Moss as Far as the Eye Can See

This is a picture of some moss I saw covering a large boulder in a creek I was working in today.  It’s pretty similar to some other pictures I’ve taken before.  I guess I just like how moss looks.  When I was done I got on the mountain bike for a quick ride before the rain hits tomorrow.  Aimee came with me and we met Kelly out at Peaks View Park.  We saw a few people we knew as we made our way through most of the driest trails.  The ride was plagued by Peaks View’s favorite question, where do we go now?  It didn’t matter because I achieved my goal of enjoying the weather while perched on a bike.

Stuck Out in the Rain

Today was a 30% chance of showers, so of course as soon as I get to the back of the park, it started raining.  I met up with Davy, but we only got a few miles in before the rain started.  We had parked at different entrances, so we split up to head back to our cars.  I had about 3 miles to go to get back to the car and you can see that I got covered in sandy mud.  Now I’m gonna have to clean the bike up and get all that sand out of the nooks and crannies.  I hope that the rain stays away tomorrow since they are calling for temps in the upper 60s.  This time of year is absolutely perfect for bike riding.  Give me a call if you want to ride anytime soon.  I think Davy and I are going to try to reenact our efforts tomorrow after work if you want to join.

Diamondback Mission 2 II

I got my Diamondback up and running again this past weekend and took it out for a ride tonight.  It rode much better than I remembered, but I still need to take some air out of the suspension.  The new frame sports a different paint job than the previous one, but I like it better.  I used a lighter wheel-set and cassette and got it under 30 pounds.  That made it really easy to get it off the ground.  Oh yeah, I saw these giant fungi down on Roller Coaster, they were bigger than soccer balls.  I tried to get my bike next to it to show scale, but before I could get close enough, it broke loose and rolled down the hill.  Oh well, it was a nice ride and it it should only be better tomorrow.

Results of a Failed Log Ride

This little cut was acquired two days before I broke my jaw and is the result of a botched landing after a log ride.  I crashed a lot on that log that day, but I was really enjoying the challenge so I kept at it.  I don’t mind crashing, so I get cuts and scrapes like this all the time.  This picture make the injury look a lot worse than it really was.  There was basically only three or four small cuts, but it happened in the middle of the ride so there was plenty of time for the blood to spread out.  There is also a bunch of dirt and leaves mixed in adding to the overall aesthetic.  Hope this isn’t too gross, but you ought to be desensitized now after the earlier pics of my jaw.

Back In The Saddle

Three weeks later and I’m back on the trail.  I’m so excited that I’m finally getting back to a normal routine that includes my favorite pastime.  Honestly I was really happy with how I felt, the only problem was my inability to be a slothy mouth breather like usual.  After being cooped up for so long it was amazing to feel the trail under my tires as I rolled through the unseasonably cool summer night.  Plus my new helmet makes me look like the bad guys from Mega Man which is frickin sweet.  Now I need to get these stupid wires off so I can go finish what I started on Belle Isle three weeks ago.