Slippery Slope

I know that most of the time my job looks pretty good in pictures, but you gotta agree with me that all this snow piled up against every bridge is a total pain in the butt.

Long Cold Day

Early in the day today, I had to collect a sample from a boat ramp that had recently been flooded.  I walked down the ramp stepping gingerly on the frozen sediment left from the high water.  The mud felt like concrete in the below freezing temperatures even at midday.  This led me to believe that my luck would continue all the way to the edge of the river, but on display above is the proof positive that I’m not that lucky.

My luck didn’t seem to change as I drove a short distance down the road and was met with the sight of a poor calf slipping all over the ice that had formed in a wet corner of its pasture.  I stopped to look and see what I could do if anything.  My presence seemed to make the calf and a couple other cows standing nearby feel uneasy.  As I walked closer, the calf began to scramble across the ice eventually finding a piece of grass to pull itself up to its feet.

Oh yeah and it was freezing today.

Full Belly

After last week’s turmoil, I’ve filled up a big container with dog food and biscuits so that I can at least give dogs like this a meal.  It’s not much, but it makes me feel better.

Anybody Home?

Anyone who has collected bug samples recognizes this pose as one you find yourself in often.  You always want to check and see what you got right away, so you’re burying your face in the net trying to see what’s there.

Fish Sortin

This is the part of the sampling where we identify the different species of fish that we’ve shocked up.  It’s always fun to play with all those fish and take their pictures.